Orbital Debris Co-ordination Working Group

The Orbital Debris Co-ordination Working Group (ODCWG) is one of the working groups of the International Organization for Standardization's Technical Committee 20/Subcommittee 14 TC20/SC14 "Spacecraft Systems and Operations".

It was formed by unanimous agreement at the May 2003 Plenary meeting of TC20/SC14. The text of the resolution is as follows:

Recognising that;
• Mitigation of Orbital Space Debris is an issue of international concern and embraces many interests and areas of expertise.
ISO is responsible for developing internationally recognised standards, on a consensus basis, for implementation through contractual agreement or National or International regulation.
• A comprehensive and cohesive system of implementation standards is essential to achieve orbital debris mitigation objectives.
ISO TC20/SC14 undertakes, through the ODCWG, to develop appropriate international standards for implementation of orbital debris mitigation objectives and to co-ordinate these activities with all parties that have an interest in mitigation of orbital debris.

The terms of reference for the ODCWG state that the aims of the group are as follows:

The ODCWG shall;
• Provide a focus for the development of implementation standards associated with the mitigation of Orbital Space Debris within ISO TC20/SC14.
• Co-ordinate and manage the development of standards within the international framework of TC20/SC14 and its established Working Group structure.
• Undertake co-ordination of standards development with all parties involved in or impacted by debris mitigation objectives both directly and through the Working Group convenors and Project Leads charged with the development of specific standards.

Currently six standards projects are in development, and a further seven project proposals are being prepared. The first debris mitigation standards were expected in 2008, with more International Standards, technical specifications or technical reports expected to be published through to 2011-2012.

See also

External links